Não Importa o que eu faça; não importa de que altura eu caia; não importa o quanto eu fique feia - é impossível me separar do amor de Deus, tão inexorável, eterno, insondável e inextinguível. Jamais!
I think your blog is very well-done and colourful. I see that you are Pentecostal. Well my academic advisors for my MPhil and PhD degrees in Theology/Philosophy were charismatics.
Always looking for new reciprocal followers with my blogs. Thanks.
Hello, Laiza
ResponderExcluirI think your blog is very well-done and colourful. I see that you are Pentecostal. Well my academic advisors for my MPhil and PhD degrees in Theology/Philosophy were charismatics.
Always looking for new reciprocal followers with my blogs. Thanks.
Dr. Russ Murray;)
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